Electric Plug: Why is there a third pin in an electric plug, know who invented it

Electric Plug: Why is there a third pin in an electric plug, know who invented it

Most of the electrical appliances in people’s homes are of three pin plug. But have you ever wondered that when the flow of electricity occurs through plus and minus charges, then what is the need of the third pin? Have you ever tried opening this plug? Today we will tell you about this plug. 

Three plug pins 

You must have seen in three plugs that the size of the three pins is equal. And it is the same. But the third pin is slightly thicker than these two pins. This pin is usually connected to a green wire. This string is called the string of meaning. Do you know what is the function of this third pin in the plug.

Let us tell you that under normal circumstances no electric current flows in the third pin and the green wire. One end of this wire is connected to the electrical appliance you are using. At the same time, the point to which the pin of each colored wire is connected through the plug, connects it to earthing or earth. It is also called electric grounding.

Electric shock 

Let us tell you that sometimes it happens that there is a fault in the electrical equipment. , then electric current starts flowing in this device. In such a situation, if someone touches that equipment, he will get an electric shock. The severity of electric shock depends on how much electric current is flowing through the human body. If his hands are wet, more electric current will flow through the body. The reason for this is that wet skin is a better conductor of electricity than dry skin and in such a situation the person will get a terrible shock. This can also lead to his death.

Working of the third pin 

The use of the third pin or earthing is a method that helps in disconnecting the faulty equipment. Provides protection against electrical shock. Apart from this, it is very important for all the appliances running from mains that they should be properly connected to the earth, let us tell you that the third pin of the plug does the same thing. If earthing is done properly through the third pin in the house, then when the electrical equipment gets damaged, current starts flowing in its body. Even if there is an electric shock during this period, it will not be very dangerous or there will be no shock at all. In this way, the third pin of the power plug gives you the most protection.

Who invented

Harvey Hubbell invented the three pin plug in 1904 and The socket was invented. After which he got it patented. By 1915 it was adopted by all plug and socket manufacturers. At the same time, they were safer than the electric plugs that were running before. According to the strict rules of BiS, all heavy electrical items which consume more than 5 amps of power are required to have a three-pin plug.

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